Establishing the Procurement Organisation
Establishing the Procurement Organisation
Sustainable value created
- Establishing and staffing the corporate procurement organisation
- Compliance with public procurement legislation
- Centralisation of spend management
- Design of procurement processes and procedures aligned with the chosen procurement strategy
Client Profile
An engineering and project management company specialising in rail infrastructure.
The Challenge
A centralised procurement organisation was not yet in place, but in order for procurement to reach a higher level of maturity and remain compliant with public procurement laws, a centralised procurement organisation was required.
Building the team and centralising the procurement spend were the first challenges, followed by implementing optimal purchasing processes and procedures.
Hudicor’s Approach
The first step in the process was to conduct a diagnostic with the objective of gaining an understanding of the As-Is, so that a strategy can be developed and a To-Be can be designed. The major focus of this project was to enhance procurement capabilities (governance, organisation, people, processes, etc.). In order to achieve this, Hudicor used a workshop approach to engage key stakeholders and the management team.
Following this, it was necessary to implement essential procurement processes in order to ensure compliance with public procurement legislation, to create visibility of the potential savings, and develop an action plan.
a procurement department was created while implementing procedures and methodologies in line with public procurement legislation over the 4 years of the contract.
Interested in accelerating procurement performance and savings?