Procurement best practices

Procurement best practices

Sustainable value created

  • Assessment of the current procurement way of working
  • Better understanding of proucurement best practices and what that could mean for local country procurements
  • Introduction into strategic sourcing
  • Initiation of cross country collaboration and value creation

Client profile

An international telecom company active in over 20 countries.

The challenge

All countries have different levels of maturity in procurement and are different in size. Te local challenges vary a lot. Some are organizational, some are related to lack of knowledge, some are related to local restrictions. The ambition is to evolve into a more tactic and strategic approach of sourcing and procurement.

Hudicor’s approach

The experienced core team did an assessment of the existing way of working, also mapping the challenges and ambitions.

Through well prepared workshops the teams were immersed into sourcing and procurement best practices. This included best practices on organization, procurement processes, supplier management, performance management, digitalization, and sustainability.

In parallel the teams gained detailed information, training and tutorials on what strategic sourcing is about including relevant real live cases.

After that, the Hudicor team coached the procurement excellence team and CPOs in how to achieve this.

20 local cpo’s were immersed in procurement best practices

Strategic sourcing was introduced as the means to increase collaboration and to generate value through cross country collaboration

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