Category Management
Over the past two decades, Hudicor has supported the development and implementation of category strategies covering a wide range of spend categories. As well as cost optimisation, we aim to give your spend a competitive advantage and shareholder value for years to come.
Our Proven methodology for successful category management
Our process begins with a thorough analysis of your spend data, focusing on the specific spend category you wish to optimise. For each spend category our in-house data analysts apply a taxonomy to provide additional insights and enable benchmarking.
We then benchmark, measure and analyse the performance of the spend category.
A key component of our process is to determine metrics that enable comparisons between products and services based on their total cost of ownership.
In addition, we examine whether reducing demand can result in savings by benchmarking and reviewing historical spend patterns.
Together with our clients, we carry out a deep dive market assessment focusing on price drivers, trends and opportunities. We get to know the key suppliers and new entrants and understand their cost structures.
We know that our proven category strategy process returns the best theoretical savings generation and value add. But we also know that procurement doesn’t operate in a vacuum. So, we always create a category strategy in close collaboration with all key stakeholders, such as users, buyers and technical experts, to ensure we agree on the most achievable and sustainable approach.
Together we determine cost saving and value creation targets considering factors such as risk tolerance, potential for change, quality and service level requirements, along with drivers of future demand.
Generating this level of forensic knowledge about the spend category enables us to determine the optimal category strategy that will deliver maximum value and create competitive advantage for our clients for years to come.
The category strategy is used to determine the sourcing strategy and as the basis to negotiate the right deal. We implement strong contracts with clear supplier management.
As category savings have a direct impact on bottom line, we set ambitious timelines for implementation.
We guarantee that our robust methodology and the strong relationships we build, will enable us to deliver the maximum potential savings in the shortest possible timeframe.
Interested in accelerating procurement performance and savings?