Procurement Analysis
Hudicor is often contracted to carry out a full analysis of a company’s procurement. This includes an in-depth assessment of the maturity of the procurement organisation, its business performance and savings potential. This is the first step in achieving your procurement organisation’s targets and optimising your overall spend.
In-depth analysis for opportunity identification
Our analysis process begins with a thorough cleaning of spend data which can include the use of AI. Next, we determine the relevant taxonomy and consolidate and categorise the spend to provide the needed spend transparency.
Next, we determine potential savings or value creation per spend category along with the ease with which these could be delivered. With over two decades of experience in both direct and indirect spend categories, we have a proven track record of providing accurate savings estimations and in-depth insights per category. We guarantee that our robust methodology and the strong relationships we build, will enable us to deliver the maximum potential savings in the shortest possible timeframe. We will turn every stone in our quest to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.
Our analysis also reviews the maturity level of your procurement organisation and its capabilities in areas such as sustainability and digitalisation. We identify potential growth areas and provide you with an overview of how implementing best practices in these areas would benefit your company.
In the final step, we review the analysis results, prioritise projects and establish a roadmap together.
Interested in accelerating procurement performance and savings?